Friday, September 27, 2013

Busy Isn't The Word

Caution: This post contains very strenuous activities which may cause yawning, drowsiness and the urge to take a nap.

Wake up. Feed baby. Burp baby. Express milk. Rock baby to sleep. Make breakfast. Feed Self. Wake up toddler. Help toddler go potty. Feed toddler. Play with toddler. Repeat.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Exploring With Food! – Toddler Style

Growing up, I was always told not to play with my food, but now that I’m older and have children, I do! And I’m teaching my toddler that it’s okay to!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall Is Here!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY

Fall officially begun yesterday and boy, were we excited!  Hooray for fall time crafts!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Funny Toddler Lingo

Say What?!?

Just yesterday, I was talking with my daughter, asking her what she wanted to do next. We always have ‘school’ where I teach her the basics and each day we add another activity. So she responded, ‘mommy colors and open shut please’.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Yesterday was my daughter’s 2nd birthday and we had her birthday party on Sunday. Let me just quickly tell you that it was fun and I am still in recovery mode!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Why I Blog

When I initially made the decision to blog, my heart wasn’t into it. I had another blog under another name; which I recently deleted after abandoning it for weeks. This blog was horrible because I didn’t put my heart into it. So I left it alone for a couple of weeks…

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday Adventures

Oh, the joys of waking up early on Saturday mornings to enjoy the relaxing task of watching cartoons and eating a huge bowl of cereal. I remember when I first started this tradition with my daughter…we would wake up early on Saturday, about 7:00 am.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

No Pictures Please

Hey, am I the only one who thinks pictures = disclosure form needed?? I mean, I don’t want to seem ‘uppity’, uptight or as if we’re ‘too good’ for anyone else to take pictures of us because we’re not! We’re some of the humblest people, well we try to be. But it honestly bothers me when people take pictures of my children.

----Let’s get real for a second…

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

There's More To Life Than Peanut Butter Sandwiches! toddler doesn't think so!

Any time and every time I ask my daughter what she wants to eat she responds ‘peanut butter sandwich’. Now for an almost 2 year old toddler whose vocabulary is steadily expanding, that’s pretty good. But where this love of peanut butter came from, that I do not have the answer to! Some people say the foods

Monday, September 9, 2013

Mmmmm...the smell of football season

Well you can definitely tell the season's changing...the heat of summer is fading away...those warm nights are becoming quite cooler...leaves on the trees are changing, and most importantly, football season is here!!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Oh no...she knows what lip gloss is.....

Anytime my purse is within her reach, I find my daughter in it. In my head, I’m thinking ‘nooooo!!!! It’s not time for that stage yet!!!’ Most times when I catch her I say, “Kay, don’t go in mommy’s purse please!” And she moves away quickly, almost to say ‘I wasn’t doing anything’. LOL. But this one particular time I waited and watched her,

Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Little Social Butterfly

My daughter’s not even two yet and she loves people. No – I mean really loves!!! Not that I see anything wrong with it except I’m not really social when it comes to being in public!! My husband isn’t either and we have no clue how we’ve made such a ‘socially involved’ child. I laugh because I told my husband that if she could read, write and use the computer, she would love twitter, facebook and any other social media outlet.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bidding Summer Adieu

Wait…what??? Summer’s over already? I can’t believe it! Where in the world has time gone??? I remember the first day of summer, I dreaded it because I was pregnant and heat simply wasn’t my best friend. But my daughter could finally enjoy running around outside without a heavy coat or a jacket, which she would attempt to take off anyways…

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kashi Hummus Crisps - Product Review

You can kick potato chips to the curb with the new Kashi Hummus Crisps! It’s a mix between hummus and chips- two of the best options for snack time! These Kashi Hummus crisps were amazingly good!! They are the perfect snack for taking on the go because they are light, crispy, tasty and not to mention healthy! Being a proud potato chip lover, I was ready to toss my chip bag in the trash!

Operation WAH

So, the past few weeks have been very busy for me…besides having to adjust to taking care of two young children and preparing lesson plans and teaching my toddler… I’ve been on a journey to find real, legit work from home jobs! Now I can tell you that I’ve had success in finding ones that were actually legit! I know, it’s a miracle right?!?!? So now,

Monday, September 2, 2013

No Such Thing As Too Much Love

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?” – Isaiah 49:15

Okay, I’ll admit it….I am addicted to kissing and hugging on my girls. No, it’s not a phase, but something that I will do forever. ---But you have to understand that its habit forming and quite frankly addicting!